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Fell From a Mango Tree

On the day last week I played at Agis’s house, at that time we will make a salad of mango, to took the mango, I climb a mango tree that is in front of Agis’s house. The tree was not so high, but very slippery.

Initially I did not dare to climb the tree, but for the sake of Agis, I ventured to climb. actually I know that I can not climb higher because it is very slippery tree. But I want to show that I was great to Agis. Then I Climb the tree. Arriving at the top I look for the fruit which to take. I saw Agis reminded me of down there, "Still be careful!" Agis said. "Bring me fruit that!" She requested. Then, I tried to reach the fruit. However, when I was about to pick it up, my feet slipped. I also fell from the tree. My body fell to the ground. I was in pain, but I mask the in pain was in front of her
Agis was shocked and rushed approached me, she asked my situation, and helped wake me up and treat slight wound in my shoulder.
Immediately, I felt ashamed because I had fallen in front of Agis, she felt saddened to see I fell, and then she escorted me to go home. she told my mother that I had fallen from a mango tree. My mother laughed at me after hearing it, then my mother told me to rest in the room.
Whenever I remember it, I laugh by itself because I have done a shameful thing in front of Agis.


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